Nine-year-old girl killed in recent pedestrian accident

On behalf of Dickman Law Offices, P.S.C. posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Monday, March 19, 2012

It is tragic when someone in Kentucky or elsewhere is killed in an accident. However, it is even more tragic when a child is involved.

Recently, a 9-year-old girl was killed in an accident as she waited for her school bus to pick her up and bring her to school. According to police, the little girl crossed the street to talk to a friend. When she crossed the street a second time, she was hit by a minivan and then a city bus.

A woman who lives near the scene of the tragic accident is a nursing student. She says the impact of the crash sounded like a sledgehammer. She ran outside hoping she could revive the little girl, but soon realized that she was already dead.

Authorities do not believe speed was a factor in the accident, but neighbors around the area say people often drive too fast.

“I am going to tell you, the cars are flying,” one neighbor said. “This is dangerous right here.”

The little girl’s father said his daughter was smart, outgoing and had a fun personality.

Although it is not clear if any of the drivers were at fault in this specific case, if a driver is found to be negligent they may face a wrongful death lawsuit. A car is not a toy, and when drivers are reckless and dangerous, they should be held responsible. Although no amount of money can make up for the tragic loss of life, a wrongful death lawsuit may provide family members with some form of justice.

Source:, “Girl, 9, dies after being struck by car, then bus,” Jennifer Edwards Baker and John Faherty, Mar. 17, 2012

Posted in: Car Accidents, Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death